Asbestos Contact Person
The Asbestos LEA Designee is the Building/Grounds Manager (704-866-6159). Contact the LEA Designee for any and all asbestos issues; after business hours call the Emergency Line (704-866-6142).
Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) Management Plan Locations
All school/facility offices will have an Asbestos AHERA Plan. A current plan will include a three year AHERA re-inspection dated within the last three years and a periodic inspection dated with in the last six months.
Asbestos Inspections
Every six months a periodic, asbestos inspection is completed by Facility Service/Maintenance personnel for all asbestos containing sites. Every three years a three year AHERA re-inspection is completed by a licensed asbestos inspector. The reports are filled with the site's AHERA Management Plan and a copy is sent to Raleigh.
When an Asbestos release occurs
In case of an asbestos release, all occupants are immediately evacuated from the area. The door should be shut and locked and a sign posted stating no entry permitted. Facility Services/Maintenance must be notified immediately by dialing the emergency number 704-866-6142.
Please note that it is unlawful to knowingly or willingly disturb asbestos.
Asbestos Acknowledge Letter
An Asbestos Acknowledge letter (not a paragraph in your newsletter) must be provided to parents and staff within 30 days from the start of each school year, even if the building is asbestos free; as required by 40 CFR 763.93(g) (4). A copy of the parents, teachers/staff, and employee organization's letter must be sent to Building and Grounds Manager at Facility Services/Maintenance.
Asbestos Acknowlegement Form for Short Term Workers
As required by 763.84(d) all short term workers (e.g. telephone repair, exterminators, etc) who may come in contact with asbestos shall be notified of the locations of the asbestos containing building materials (ACBM) or suspected ACBM assumed. This will be accomplished by including this information with the purchase order for their services. Also this information should be reiterated during any pre-service for construction meetings. All on site workers will be required to sign a statement individually acknowledging the receipt of this information. The signed statement must be sent to the Building and Grounds Manager at Facility Services/Maintenance. This form can obtained from Jack Harrelson at Facility Services/Maintenance.