Become A Volunteer

  • A app County Schools volunteer is described as a person who willingly undertakes a service or an assigned task performed within app County Schools and under the approval of the school administration.
    Volunteer Process:
    • To volunteer with app County Schools, please submit an online volunteer application at: . When you register, you will create a personal user name and password for your profile. You will use this to update your information and also to reactivate your application at the start of the new school year. Your profile information is only available to the (principal) at the school(s) you selected and the Director of app County Schools Business Partnerships Office. Following North Carolina law, we will not give your information to anyone else. We utilize a secure web server with encrypted information.
    • A background check is required of all volunteers. A volunteer Code of Conduct is included in the online application that outlines the expectations of volunteers. By initialing the appropriate box on the application, you acknowledge that you have read the Code of Conduct and agree to a national background check, as well as ongoing reviews. If needed, additional references may be requested. 
    • Select the school or schools where you plan to volunteer and electronically submit the application. 
    • You will receive email confirmation when the application clears the screening process and instructions to attend a Volunteer Orientation training session. 
    • If you need access to a computer, please contact the school where you plan to volunteer and you will receive assistance.
    • Please note, mentors require an additional one hour training session. To inquire about the mentor program, please email or call the Business and Community Partnerships Office at 704-866-6329.
    Volunteer Orientation:
    Volunteer orientation for new volunteers is available online.  Click here to access the volunteer orientation PowerPoint. Follow the directions in the PowerPoint to confirm completion. 

    Please note, administrators and principals have the authority to request in-person orientation meetings or interviews with volunteers related to volunteer assignments. Volunteer assignments are made based on the needs of the school.  
    Returning volunteer:
    Click here to reactivate your application.
    Volunteer categories:
    Classroom support: Under the direction of classroom teachers, assist with small group assignments or one on one individual time to support students with their class work.

    Clerical support: Assist with copying materials, answering phones, and preparing papers for classroom use (counting, cutting, and specific tasks as assigned).

    Reading Buddy: Assist with small reading groups or read with individual students. Train to be a part of the Reading Soul Mates program which targets second grade readers. Additional information about this program is available on the volunteer webpage. 

    Guest and Career Speakers: Usually scheduled by classroom teachers, as needed. 

    Special Event Volunteer: Help with scheduled events like book fairs, school spirit events, beautification projects, and field trips 

    PTO Officers, Boosters Clubs, or School Improvement Committees: Check with school principals for more information.

    Mentor: This is a special weekly volunteer assignment that matches a student one on one with a caring adult to help share valuable life skills, build confidence and be an added role model in the life of a deserving child.  An additional training session is required of all mentors.  Please visit  to learn more.